Monday, November 5, 2007

This presentation is part of : Models for an Aging Population
Health Issues and Medicare D Rx: Partnerships to Support Older Adults
Mary Lou De Natale, EdD, RN, School of Nursing, Univeristy of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
Learning Objective #1: promote three ways in which nurses can support older adults on their choices regarding Medicare D RX and related health care insurances issues.
Learning Objective #2: discuss two ways that nurses as care providers can advocate for older adults in their decisions and medication compliance.

Purpose: The aim of this qualitative research project has been to determine the overall concerns/attitudes of older adults regarding the Medicare D Prescription Plan particularly their use and access issues. Preventive care issues and cost of prescription have been a concern for the older adults across all socioeconomic levels.

Significance: Older adults are vulnerable and at potential risk for health care access and use of health service. Andersen (1995) behavioral model provides a theoretical foundation regarding access to care and utilization of services.

Research Design: This qualitative research design utilized a researcher developed interview guide and demographic data on a convenience sample of 72 older adults attending senior centers in a large metropolitan area. The interviews noted issues regarding access to information, enrollment issues, and support for questions and concerns with providers and pharmacists, and issues regarding prescriptions.

Data Analysis: The data for this research was generated from interviews and demographic questionnaires. Additionally the interviews were transcribed, coded, and analyzed using constant comparative method. The interviews noted issues regarding access to information, enrollment issues, support for questions and concerns with providers and pharmacists, and issues regarding prescriptions.

Implications for Practice: Medicare coverage and advocacy for older adult issues are changing the way in which nurses are providing care and working with health care providers and pharmacists. This study can provide further information that can support the advocacy, quality of care, and referrals that are given to seniors regarding health care and medication compliance.