Tuesday, November 6, 2007

This presentation is part of : Health Promotion Models
Youth Smoking in Canada: Implications for Policy Development, Practice, Education and Research
Kathryn A. Pfaff, BScN, RN, Faculty of Nursing, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, Canada
Learning Objective #1: identify the factors that have impacted the smoking behaviours of the adolescent population in Canada.
Learning Objective #2: identify sustainable recommendations for nursing's involvement in policy development, practice, education and research.

Smoking is the number one preventable cause of death and disease in Canada, the health effects of which result in the costliest burden on the national health care system (Health Canada, 2005). Despite federal, provincial and municipal legislation and youth-focused smoking prevention and cessation programs, smoking remains a significant problem among Canadian adolescents. This is likely because teens typically underestimate the addictive nature of nicotine, minimize the risk associated with smoking and are highly influenced by peers. Although the majority of youth seriously contemplate cessation, quit attempts are frequent, numerous and rarely successful.

While the literature provides insight into this issue, gaps and inconsistencies exist in the research findings. Numerous studies have defined the components of successful youth smoking programs, yet few satisfy the evidence-based recommendations. The purpose of this presentation is to provide a better understanding of adolescent smoking, as well as to identify sustainable recommendations for nursing’s involvement in policy development, practice, education and research with this population.