Sunday, November 4, 2007

This presentation is part of : Educational Innovations
Manpower Development on Critical Nursing Care through Academic and Enterprise Cooperation
Luna Chang, RN, DrPH, Department of Nursing, National Tainan Institute of Nursing, Tainan, Taiwan
Learning Objective #1: To understand the effectness of continue education programs on critical nursing care through academic and enterprise cooperation.
Learning Objective #2: To understand the administrate method on continue education programs with academic and enterprise cooperation.

The purpose of this project was to develop more excellent manpower on critical nursing care through academic and enterprise cooperation. In order to increase professional nursing knowledge and skill, decrease the pressure from working at the critical care units, and improve the quality of care, National Tainan Institute of Nursing incorporated with Tainan Municipal Hospital to administrate this program.

     The educational program "100 hours courses and 5 days practicum" was implemented from 2006/7/26 to 2006/9/6. Seventy-five participants involved in this program and forty-seven participants received the certificates from Taiwan Association of Critical Care Nursing. During the training program, two-stage evaluations & exams, and practicum evaluation were conducted. The evaluation results show that participants expressed their high level of satisfaction with this program, no matter teachers, students, or hospital staffs. They received much rewards from the environmental/equipments support at school and hospital units. The project was expected to continue in the future.