Tuesday, November 6, 2007
This presentation is part of : Leadership Models
Predicting Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Competency Beliefs: A Multi-Level Model of Cascading Beliefs
Barbara A. Bonificio, MS, RN1, Marilyn Stapleton, PhD2, Lori Hoffman-Hogg, MS, RN3, Donna Champion, MS, RN4, Brenda Pettit, BS, RN5, Patricia A. Edwards, EdD, RN, CNAA6, Lisa K. Daniels, PhD7, and Nathan Schneeberger, PhD7. (1) Nursing Research and Quality Initiatives, St. Peter's Hospital, Albany, NY, USA, (2) Office of Quality Improvement, Albany Medical Center, Albany, NY, USA, (3) Cancer Care Center, Stratton VA Medical Center, Albany, NY, USA, (4) School of Nursing, Northeast Health, Albany, NY, USA, (5) Critical Care, St. Mary's Hospital, Amsterdam, NY, USA, (6) Graduate Nursing, Excelsior College, Albany, NY, USA, (7) School of Nursing, Excelsior College, Albany, NY, USA
Learning Objective #1: understand the influence of a nursing research alliance of nurses and nursing scholars in healthcare organizations and academic institutions to conduct, and disseminate research findings.
Learning Objective #2: determine how the quality of supervisor-staff nurse relationships affects individual motivation. Examine how self-determined motivation and perceptions of work climate relate to organizational citizenship behaviors.

Purpose: The mission of the Nursing Research Alliance of the Capital District is to facilitate the development and collaboration of nurses and nursing scholars in health care organizations and academic institutions to conduct, utilize and disseminate research findings readily translatable into practice. This project tested the capability of the Alliance to conduct a full scale interagency research study.
A multi-level field study was conducted to examine how self-determined motivation and perceptions of work climate related to organizational citizenship behaviors.  An additional aim of this study was to look for links between supervisor level perceptions and motivation and staff level motivation and organizational citizenship behaviors.
Theoretical Framework:
Deci & Ryan’s Self Determination Theory measuring both precursors and consequences of intrinsic work motivation in a multi-level framework.
Design: The research design is a cross-sectional, multi-field study in which participants responded to a series of attitudinal and behavioral frequency questionnaires.
Sample/Measures:  Staff level nurses (N=506) in six alliance hospitals participating were surveyed regarding their self-determined motivation, autonomy support, positive work environment (as measured by the professional practice environment scale), nursing competencies, and organizational citizenship behaviors.  Supervisors of these staff nurses (N=72) also responded to a survey.  The supervisor level survey measured self-determined motivation, autonomy supportiveness, positive work climate and perceived organizational support.
Analysis: Correlation, linear regression, and hierarchical linear modeling.
Results:  The individual level results suggested that self-determined motivation (manifested as the presence of intrinsic motivation and the absence of amotivation) was positively related to organizational citizenship behaviors as well as perceived nursing competencies.  Perceptions of work climate and autonomy support were positively related to self-determined motivation.  Across level results were less promising.  There was insufficient variability in staff level motivation (between groups) to account for these differences with any supervisor level effects.