Sunday, November 4, 2007

This presentation is part of : Nursing Information Initiatives
Using Measurement to Guide Improvement
Rita A. Bendekovits, RN, MSN, ONC, Stephanie Pacelli, BS, and Gwen Kutzner, RN. Patient Care Services, Lehigh Valley Hospital, Allentown, PA, USA
Learning Objective #1: discuss strategies to improve efficiency and effectiveness of quality clinical outcome data utilizing web-based technology.
Learning Objective #2: explain how the application of technology will validate evidence-based practice (EBP) information and enhance access of accurate and real-time data.

Evaluating and improving our ability to provide the safest, most effective care was supported by this hospital’s commitment to integrate current technology including barcoding, CAPOE, and on-line documentation for nursing. As part of this commitment, nursing leaders have supported the resources to investigate and develop web-based tools to assist in the collection, reporting and analysis of quality metrics.       

A goal was set by the quality department within patient care services to develop a new process to provide managers and clinical staff with resources to continuously monitor and analyze quantitative and qualitative data in a timely manner.  Monitoring requirements of the National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG), nurse sensitive quality indicators and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines were accomplished through the use of a variety of software and centralized databases.

Several phases took place in order to successfully execute the new processes: 

·        Research current data collection and reporting software;

·        Convert paper reporting system to electronic reporting system;

·        Educate frontline staff on how to report events directly at the point of care and how to use scantrons to collect data not captured by the event reports;

·        Upload data collected by event reports and scantrons into a web-based interactive database which establishes both global and unit-based trends over time;

·        Make changes to the reporting collection/system based on feedback from staff; and,

·        Allow information to be readily available to staff members through the use of a scorecard.

This new technology facilitates real-time reporting of data, enables immediate follow-up from management, creates an opportunity for staff learning experiences and prompts service recovery.  It also enabled this hospital to identify strategies to improve patient outcomes by incorporating pre-existing abundant hospital-wide data.