Tuesday, November 6, 2007

This presentation is part of : Creative Clinical Innovations
Creative Clinical Alternatives: Enhancing Assessment Skills by Exploration of Artistic Expressions
Mary M. Smith, MSN, RN, School of Nursing, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA
Learning Objective #1: delineate complementary methods to foster nursing students' assessment skills and critical thinking by integrating the exploration of art.
Learning Objective #2: analyze the significance of promoting innovative and creative methods of student learning in alternative environments.

Implementing creative techniques for learning in nursing education can improve student outcomes. Students in today’s society focus on visual inspiration and immediate transmission of knowledge that challenge nurse educators to develop new and alternative approaches that expand student opportunites to learn and refine assessment skills needed in the clinical arena.

Field trips were planned to the local art museum. Seven paintings were chosen that reflected a variety of situations associated with the human condition.  Five groups consisting of five students in each were given guidelines with specific objectives that were intended to meet the goals of the experience.  Initially, students questioned the purpose of this assignment and the connection to client care.  Interestingly, a similar sentiment was also expressed by a few faculty colleagues.

During the course of this assignment, the students began to express enthusiasm as they shared findings with peers, and commented on understanding the benefit of this exercise. At the completion of the assignment, the instructor facilitated the post discussion reflecting on the benefits and outcomes. Students commented that the experience was fun and increased their awareness of details in each painting relate to color, facial expressions, human interactions, safety and emotions.  The students were able to understand the benefit of this experience as a tool to enhance their clinical assessment skills as well as view clients in a holistic manner.  In addition, the students expressed their intention to return to the museum to further explore the art that they experienced.  Broadening the student’s horizons, encouraging inquisitiveness and addressing specific critical thinking objectives were accomplished.

Alternative learning environments offer opportunities for students and faculty to exchange ideas and knowledge in a novel and comfortable atmosphere. Reinforcing previous didactic and clinical information by viewing artistic expression through paintings promotes analysis of data from a different perspective.