Learning Objective #1: Acquire increase knoweldge and skill in community home based care for PLWHA by 5% | |||
Learning Objective #2: Understand the need for community involvement and participation in the fight against HIVAIDS . |
The number of persons infected with HIV in In The founder who is a member of STTI saw the need to register a non-profit making, non-governmental organization, to contribution to the devastation HIV/AIDS is causing. She initiated the establishment of community-based home care and support services. This approach is to inform, educate and provide hope through quality and appropriate care and support services for infected people, orphans and affected communities. Life Relief Foundations work approach is based on its believe that community based home care can offer a quantum of care that includes, community mobilization to identify preventive health, education, basic nursing care at homes, psycho social counseling, spiritual and nutrition support to PLWHA, care of orphans and vulnerable children . It enables self-help, community awareness of HIV/AIDS prevention and helps to counteract myths and misconceptions thus reducing stigma and discrimination against PLWHA and families. It offers community empowerment, creates a sense of ownership and responsibilities which turns to guarantee sustainability for future health interventions in the communities. PLWHA can form support groups to encourage positive living. · Greater Community involvement in finding solutions to care and support services, stigma and discrimination reduction against PLWHA. · Strengthen and build capacities of community leaders, volunteers and members to provide care and support services including basic nursing care to PLWHA , orphans and vulnerable children · Provide adequate knowledge, skills and resources for HIV prevention and community based home nursing care for PLWHA ,volunteers and community members · Identify good referral systems for support services including medical care. · Form support group for PLWHA for greater involvement and participation. The strategies were implemented with strong supports of our traditional/ cultural values of the family and community through Community mobilization, sensitization, BCC activities - Radio discussions local FM, Focus group discussions, video shows, drama. Training of PLWHA, community volunteers and families as care givers, and counselors and Formation of community management committees Results achieved includes: 274 PLWHA and 196 OVC registered, PLWHA receive daily psychosocial counseling and treatment support, 2580 BCC activities organized, 66 AIDS patients received basic nursing care in their homes, 120 PLWHA, volunteers trained as peer educators, home caregivers with developed manual, identification and registers of PLWHA is through links with hospitals, caregivers, and local FM ,Trained caregivers visit weekly/ daily. Caregivers use available resource in the home. Two PLWHA support association organized, towards positive living Evaluation is done through administration of structure questionnaires, interviews, observations, of beneficiariary communities PLWHA, and staff by donors and partners. Lessons learned: Community based home care can offer continuum of care to PLWHA and orphans and affected communities at all stages of the infection and reduce the spread of HIV.