Sunday, November 4, 2007

This presentation is part of : Professional Development in the Clinical Setting
The New Graduate Retention Dilemma: What's Happening and What to Do?
Beth A. Brooks, RN, PhD, FACHE and Irene A. Stemler, RN, BSN. JWT Employment Communications, Chicago, IL, USA
Learning Objective #1: discuss the latest HR metrics related to new graduate turnover.
Learning Objective #2: illustrate evidence-based retention solutions that should be implemented within the first year of practice.

Concern continues to mount about the high turnover of new graduates across the country.  Evidence suggests that there is still a significant gap between school and workplace expectations.  The reasons for new graduate turnover will be reviewed.  Recent evidence has revealed some interesting findings related to type of academic preparation from Associate Degree programs (ADN) to Baccalaureate (BSN) programs, and from traditional to accelerated BSN programs.  Several evidence-based solutions will be offered, including the development of internship programs and mentoring opportunities.