Monday, November 5, 2007

This presentation is part of : Global Issues in Nursing Education
Integrating Simulated Teaching/Learning Strategies in Undergraduate Nursing Education
Karen Ferguson, RN, MHSc (N), School of Nursing, The University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada and Barbara Sinclair, RN, BScN, MScN, Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Nursing, The University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada.
Learning Objective #1: The learner will see both quantitative and qualitative data analysis from a pilot study where simulation scenarios were used to augment classroom teaching.
Learning Objective #2: The learner will explore the implications to nurse educators of integrating simulation experiences as a teaching/learning approach in nursing courses.

 Simulations are increasingly being applied as a teaching strategy in a variety of clinical disciplines (Goldenberg, Andrusyszyn, & Iwasiw, 2005, Jeffries, Rew & Cramer, 2002).  There is evidence reported in the literature that didactic knowledge is more fully integrated when applied through simulation experiences prior to direct clinical application (Clark, Owen & Tholcken, 2004; Goldenberg, Andrusyszyn, & Iwasiw, 2005, Jeffries, 2005).  Hence, a simulated clinical learning environment would allow an extended opportunity for students to apply and integrate the learning obtained through content introduced in the classroom.  Further to that, self-efficacy theory predicts that students will improve the transfer of new knowledge to clinical practice if they feel  competent.  Simulated learning would allow students to develop a higher level of self-efficacy regarding the complex cognitive and technical knowledge required in current clinical practice settings (Clark et al, 2004; Goldenberg et al, 2005, Jefferies et al, 2002).  Finally, this educative approach will also encourage reflection as an important element in learning.  Today’s professional nurse is expected to integrate reflective thinking into practice (Canadian Nurses’ Association, 2004).  The simulated learning environment allows teacher and student to reflect ‘in action’ to solve each clinical problem as it unfolds.
A pilot project, using an exploratory descriptive design, at The University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario Canada is providing second year nursing students an opportunity to engage in simulation scenarios based on real-life clinical situations.  Students complete a pre/post survey to assess self-efficacy for clinical practice and a satisfaction tool, which includes a self-reflection report.  The conceptual framework for the pre/post survey is based on Bandura’s (1977, 1986) Self-Efficacy theory.  The study includes a control group of year 2 nursing students enrolled in the identical course at a partner College.