Tuesday, November 6, 2007

This presentation is part of : Techniques for Learning Education and Assessment
Use of Standardized Nursing Assessment Data for Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Nursing Education
Sheryl K. Sommer, PhD, RN, Education, Assessement Technologies Institute, LLC, Stillwell, KS, USA
Learning Objective #1: select individual/group data from standardized nursing assessment reports that is appropriate for evidence-based decision-making in nursing education.
Learning Objective #2: utilize individual/group performance data on standardized nursing assessments as evidence for developing, maintaining, and revising nursing curricula.

Standardized nursing assessments provide nursing programs with volumes of individual and group performance data. The volume of data generated coupled with the multiple demands of nursing education, often times results in the under utilization of the data from these assessments for their original purposes of 1) evidence of individual/group NCLEX® readiness and/or content mastery; 2) evidence of program outcome achievement; 3) guide the development of individual/group focused plans of review; and 4) input measures to curriculum/program evaluation. This session will offer an opportunity to develop skills in efficiently focusing in on data within individual and group performance results for these purposes. Models for the utilization of data in the design of a focused plan of review for an individual student and a group of students and for use of group data for trending curricular and program outcomes will be provided.