Sunday, November 4, 2007

This presentation is part of : Leadership in Promoting Patient Safety
Quality Management through Event Debriefing Performance by Head Nurse
Shoshana Mischari, RN, MA, RISK Managment , D. Director, Sheba Hospital, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Gan, Israel, Orly Toren, PHD, HOSPITAL MANAGMENT NURSING DEVIZON, SHEBA HOSPITAL, TEL AVIV UNIVERCITY, ramat gan, Israel, and Hana Kertzman, PHD, recerch, SHEBA HOSPITAL, TEL AVIV UNIVERCITY, ramat gan, Israel.
Learning Objective #1: sher the neu aproch by implementing an innovative debriefing method that places the head nurse at the center of the debriefing process.
Learning Objective #2: learn fromm a year of improving saftey

Quality Management through Event Debriefing Performance by Head Nurses
Shoshanna Mischari, Orly Toren, Ruth Balban, Zohar Rubinstein, Hana Tevet, Hana Kertzman.
Introduction: Debriefing is an essential element in quality assurance and patient safety. The purpose of this project was to induce a change in the organizational culture regarding patient safety, by implementing an innovative debriefing method that places the head nurse at the center of the debriefing process.
Method: The debriefing structure was adapted to the type of event and debriefing was performed in the presence of the nursing staff and other medical staff. l eighty head nurses were trained     
A quality control committee was established, and debriefing session where reported on the hospital internet, enhancing our policy transparency.
Discussion Structured and accurate gathering of facts, use of uniform terminology, and study of the process performed by staff members leads to responsibility at a personal and the departmental levels. Studying a successful process can also teach us how to recreate that success.
This Debriefing method encourages professional development which encompasses the entire structural level, establishes professional standards for the nursing staff, and provides viable tools creating familiarity with safety terminology and process This advances the goal of improved organizational function and enhances the organization's capability to develop in an unstable and uncertain environment.