Poster Presentation

Sunday, November 4, 2007
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Sunday, November 4, 2007
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
This presentation is part of : Clinical Posters
The Establishment of Centers of Excellence in Clinical Practice in South African Private Hospitals
Ronel Pretorius, MCur, BCur and Hester C. Klopper, PhD, MBA, RN, RM, BA, Cur, M, Cur. School of Nursing Science, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa
Learning Objective #1: describe the conceptual framework involved in Centers of Excellence in critical care units of South African Private Hospitals.
Learning Objective #2: identify the effects of Centers of Excellence on the recruitment and retention of nursing staff.

A concern shared by nurses globally seem to involve the current shortage of nursing staff in critical care units.  Recent articles in the South African media indicated that 300 nurses are leaving South Africa every month.  An investigation into the “Magnet Recognition Hospital programme” in the United States of America prompted an interest in establishing Centers of Excellence within critical care units of the private hospital industry in South Africa.  The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses recognizes that a healthy work environment is the base for recruiting and retaining nurses.  One of the most problematic human resource challenges around the world seem to involve the current shortage of nurses and the major impact this shortage has on quality health care and patient outcomes.  It was evident from an extensive literature review that “Magnet hospitals” seem to attract and retain competent nurses despite the current shortage within the profession.  This prompted the researcher to investigate the reasons behind the successful recruitment and retention of nursing staff in “Magnet Hospitals”.  The relationship between the critical care nurse, the environment and the leadership style of the organization can pose a serious risk for successful recruitment and retention of nursing staff.

 This paper forms part of an ongoing PhD study utilising a mixed method design in exploring and describing the establishment of Centers of Excellence in critical care units of South African Private hospitals and the effect of such Centers on the retention and recruitment of nursing staff.