Monday, November 5, 2007

This presentation is part of : Developments in Nursing Education
Attributes of Clinical Instructors Which Facilitate Student Success
Kermit C. Little, BSN, MA, PhD, RN, School of Nursing, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX, USA
Learning Objective #1: verbally discuss three principles of Carl Rogers' theory as applied to clinical nursing instruction.
Learning Objective #2: verbally discuss atributes of "best" and "worst" clinical nursing instructors.

Nursing students experience high levels of anxiety while going through nursing school. The clinical experience is one of the most anxiety producing experiences that students must survive and that stress can severely threaten the students’ success in the nursing program. Students are well aware of their lack of proficiency and are fearful of making mistakes in the “life or death” hospital situation. Documented in numerous studies are the positive or negative attributes of clinical instructors’ behavior which facilitates learning.

Carl Rogers’ Theory includes three attributes of professionals that have been shown to facilitate growth and learning in clients. These attributes are accurate empathy, non-possessive warmth, and genuineness. When clinical instructors demonstrate these attributes in their teaching behavior, students experience reduced anxiety, an increase in confidence and self esteem.

Research into attributes of “best” and “worst” clinical instructors as well as Carl Rogers’ theory provides an opportunity for clinical instructor’s to change attitudes and belief’s that hinder students learning in the clinical setting.

The purpose of this presentation is to stimulate thinking and learning of positive clinical behavior related to maximizing students’ success in clinical situations.