Monday, November 5, 2007

This presentation is part of : Strategies for Utilization of Research
The National Nursing Practice Network for Evidence-Based Practice and Translation Science
Marita Titler, PhD, RN, FAAN, Department of Nursing Services and Patient Care, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, IA, USA
Learning Objective #1: The learner will be able to identify steps taken to formulate the National Nursing Practice Network, and benefits of belonging to the network.
Learning Objective #2: The learner will be able to identify the results of a needs assessment of members of the National Nursing Practice Network.

Purpose:  This paper describes the methods and steps used to formulate a National Nursing Practice Network (NNPN) of 46 acute care hospitals, benefits of belonging to the network, results of a needs assessment and strategies to address the identified needs.  

Settings:  46 acute care sites are member organizations of the NNPN, representing 15 states, 8 VA hospitals, 4 academic medical centers, and 34 community hospitals. 

Methods: A questionnaire was sent to the chief nurse executive of each member organization asking them to select 5 priorities in clinical practice topics and rate needs to enact evidence-based practice. 

Results:  Response rate was 88% with the majority (92%) reporting an interdisciplinary QI Committee and clinical policies/procedures based on research.  Top needs regarding EBP were training in EBP with examples; evaluating outcomes, and sustainability. The top five clinical topics were measuring patient outcomes, building a culture of safety, acute pain management, culturally competent care, and failure to rescue.  Strategies enacted by the NNPN to address these needs include formulation of four work groups on implementation, community based partnership research (CBPR), networking, and education.  Products of the NNPN include a dedicated web-site, educational modules for staff nurses, and a set of organizational context measures to use in understanding EBP implementation.  The agenda for research from the CBPR group will be presented.