Tuesday, November 6, 2007

This presentation is part of : Cultural Competencies in Healthcare Diversity
Getting in the Groove: Learning to be Culturally Competent
Quincealea A. Brunk, RN, PhD, Department of Nursing, Mount Marty College, Yankton, SD, USA
Learning Objective #1: describe models available for the development of cultural competency.
Learning Objective #2: discuss teaching strategies to be used in the development of cultural competency for practice.

With the increasingly global nature of health care, it is imperative that nursing students and faculty become more aware of cultural differences and develop cultural competency skills. One means of achieving this goal is to provide transcultural and/or international experiences for students. These experiences often go beyond the stage of cultural awareness or knowledge, with students approaching the level of cultural sensitivity needed for cultural competency in the changing practice environment. Over the last two years, groups of nursing students have participated in different learning opportunities. These programs have been designed to enhance cultural awareness, analyze different health care beliefs, and integrate cultural knowledge with the learning experiences provided in nursing education. The most important benefit provided by these types of experiences is the students’ opportunity for introspection of their thoughts and feelings while encountering different cultures. They reflect on these experiences through journals and seminar discussions with faculty. Global citizenship is enhanced as well as an impetus to continue learning through alternative experiences. Through content analysis of written work, seminar discussions, and post-experience evaluation, a description of teachable moments and strategies for developing cultural competencies is presented. Activities and reactions are clustered, using contemporary frameworks and descriptions of cultural competency. Additional clinical applications, other benefits, and strategies for improvements in programs will also be presented.