Saturday, November 3, 2007

This presentation is part of : Education and Practice Collaborations
A Model of Partnership, Advancing Strategic Goals for Academia and Service
Kathryn Lothschuetz Montgomery, PhD, RN, CNAA, Organizational Partnership, Outreach, & Clinical Enterprise, University of Maryland School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD, USA, Joan Insalaco Warren, PhD, RN, BC, Director, Professional Practice and Research, Franklin Square Hospital Center, Baltimore, MD, USA, and Kathleen Hartman Sabatier, MS, RN, Nursing Administration, Franklin Square Hospital Center, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Learning Objective #1: describe the partnership model as it relates to advancing greater evidence-based practice
Learning Objective #2: define the leadership principles operating in context to this partnership between academia and service

A model of partnership between the University of Maryland School of Nursing and Franklin Square Hospital Center was instrumental in advancing leadership development and supporting the nurse leader’s capacity to take action towards changing practice through the use of evidence-based nursing practice. A multidimensional strategy by Franklin Square Hospital Center including changes in governance structures for nursing practice was combined with a multi-phased partnership with the University of Maryland to advance leadership, evidence for practice and research translation.


The strength of each organization in this partnership created synergy towards greater creativity and new energy for nursing practice among all those who participated in the experiences of partnership through a professional development program. The preliminary feedback has demonstrated that a partnership focused on advancing strategically important goals can bring new insights, knowledge and experience to the practicing nurse and faculty involved. A valuing of each partner’s contribution, experience and knowledge has had an impact on the faculty and nurse leaders who participated. In bridging the gap between academia and service organizations both organizations gain by improving the problem based learning anchored in current practice realities, improving the value in advancing the profession based on greater competencies for knowledge work and use of evidence. A description of the model used and the driving principles of partnership applied in this case presentation will be presented in context to strategic goal of advancing the competencies necessary for greater use of evidenced based practice.