Sunday, November 4, 2007

This presentation is part of : International Learning Communities
A Strategy for Global Faculty Development: Utilizing Technology and Partnerships
Mary E. Norton, EdD, APN-C, Department of Graduate Nursing, Felician College, Lodi, NJ, USA
Learning Objective #1: 1. The learner will be able to describe a model for faculty development globally.
Learning Objective #2: 2. The learner will be able to identify international partners to implement global faculty development program.

Felician College and the University of Jordan, Faculty of Nursing has collaborated in the development of curriculum, faculty and students since 1987. The two academic institutions wanted to continue these activities utilizing educational technology. The goals of this project were to; continue to strengthen the linkages between the two institutions, while advancing the utilization of technology in education. The utilization of interactive distance learning techniques fostered the development of a model of global faculty development between the USA and Jordan with possible expansion to the Middle East Region. The presentation discusses the challenges of developing a global model of faculty development. A description of the complementary strengths and limitations of each institution are provided.  The role of technology and collaborative partners who provided funding and technical assistance, such as the Fulbright program and World Bank, are discussed. Outcomes of the project include development of an international community of faculty and student learners and the development of online courses in Jordan. Jordanian students’ reaction to online learning and coping with unexpected circumstances are also stressed. Future technology enhanced collaborative learning projects between Felician College and the University of Jordan and the progress of online learning in Jordan are provided.