Sunday, November 4, 2007

This presentation is part of : International Learning Communities
China-U.S. Collaboration in Doctoral Education: The Globalization of Nursing Resources
Victoria Mock, PhD, FAAN1, Huaping Liu, PhD, RN2, Marie Nolan, PhD, RN1, Chongmei Lu, MD3, and Martha N. Hill, PhD, FAAN1. (1) School of Nursing, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA, (2) School of Nursing, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China, (3) School of Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing, China
Learning Objective #1: Describe a model of international collaborative nursing education to increase the number of doctorally prepared nurse leaders in China.
Learning Objective #2: Describe appropriate outcomes of program evaluation for the model program.

Adequate numbers of doctorally prepared nurse researchers, educators and administrators are needed to develop and implement the scientific basis for nursing practice throughout the world.  Meeting this need is urgent in China, the most populous nation in the world, because of their significant and growing healthcare needs.  The first doctoral program in nursing in China was launched in 2004 through the collaboration of the Schools of Nursing at Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) in Beijing and Johns Hopkins University (JHU) in Baltimore, MD. The program, which is funded by the China Medical Board, prepares Chinese nurse leaders for careers in higher education for nursing, nursing research, and health care administration.  The program’s goal is to increase the number of doctorally prepared nurses in China and to develop a nationally recognized model for doctoral-level nursing education for China and the Chinese health care system.
The first year of the three-year program begins with coursework at PUMC with some courses taught by faculty from JHU.  During the first six months of the second year, the students study with faculty at Hopkins and prepare their dissertation proposals.  Students then return to PUMC for approval and initiation of their doctoral research addressing Chinese health issues.  Two cohorts with 5 students in each have been enrolled.  All students are progressing well and are achieving beyond expectations.  The passion to learn more about each others’ country has led to multiple exchanges of faculty members and students in both schools of nursing beyond the doctoral program, resulting in additional collaborative research and clinical projects.  The doctoral program, which continues nearly a century of collaboration in nursing education between Hopkins and PUMC, represents an innovative model to advance nursing science in countries with critical needs and limited nursing resources.