Poster Presentation

Sunday, November 4, 2007
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Sunday, November 4, 2007
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
This presentation is part of : Clinical Posters
Nutritional Knowledge, Barriers, and Motivators Influencing Weight Loss in Inner City African-American Females
Susan Moore, RN, DNS, FNP, GNP, Family Health Nursing Department, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA, Amelia Quiz, RN, BSN, Internal Medicine, Greencastle Internal Medicine and Primary Care, LLC, Indianapolis, IN, USA, Nyla Fleming, RN, BSN, Nursing, Fresenius Medical Care, Indianapolis, IN, USA, and Gwen Craven, RN, BSN, Adult Health Department, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
Learning Objective #1: identify nutritional knowledge related to maintaining normal weight in African American females living in the inner city.
Learning Objective #2: discuss barriers and motivators related weight loss for African American females living in the inner city.

Overweight and obese prevalence in the United States has continued to rise and has prompted the attention of health care providers and government to establish guidelines and objectives to address this major health issue. This epidemic is especially apparent in African American women. This health problem has also caused an increase in the numerous weight loss regimens, physical activity and dietary modifications. Despite the many recommendations and availability of numerous weight loss regimens, there are minimal changes noted with African American inner city females. Researchers have found that there is not one factor that influences weight loss.  A variety of research studies have identified motivating factors, specific barriers, and level of nutritional knowledge that may initiate weight loss. 

The purpose of this study is to determine nutritional knowledge, barriers, and motivational factors influencing weight loss among adult African American women in the age of 18 – 45 years of age.

 This study will use a non-experimental, cross-sectional design.  It will consist of both quantitative and qualitative components. 

The sample will consist of 100 low-income African American women, ages 18-45 who attends an inner-city community health center.  Data collection will take place in the waiting room of the community health center.   The quantitative component of the questionnaire will consist of statements using a 5-point Likert-type scale developed from review of the literature.  The qualitative component will consist of three open ended questions.  This survey will address barriers to losing weight, motivating factors that influence weight loss and influential factors that affect nutritional choices among the study population.

Results will look at the correlation of motivational factors, barriers, knowledge level to interest in loss weight and actual weight loss.