Monday, November 5, 2007
Developing the Dimensions of Nursing Tool
Amelia M. Joseph, MBA, RN, Nursing and Patient Care Services, Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center, Charleston, SC, USA
Learning Objective #1: Describe the process for developing the Dimensions of Nursing Tool |
Learning Objective #2: Discuss testing procedures for the Dimensions of Nursing Tool |
Measuring the work that nurses do has been a difficult challenge. Yet the ability to associate patient outcomes with the delivery of nursing care depends on empirical measures of nursing work. The Dimensions of Nursing Tool was developed using McClure’s model of the care giving role of nurses. Activities associated with adult acute care were selected from the Nursing Intervention Classification. Using the 210 activities identified, two expert panels of nurses were asked to classify the activity as: dependency; comfort; therapeutics; education; or monitoring/surveillance. Then the panels were asked to pare each of the five lists to no more than 10 activities that were essential to nursing practice. Additional nursing staff were asked to test the tool using confirmatory factor analysis to assure that activities achieved significant loading factors and loaded onto the various dimensions. Focus groups were used to assure that the statements were clear and unambiguous. The resulting tool will be used in further research to test associations between the actual work of the nurse in the care giving role and patient outcomes. In addition, future work may address how staffing and culture affect the delivery of nursing care.