Monday, November 5, 2007

This presentation is part of : Nursing Education Outreach
BScN Students' Views of Formal Mentoring Relationships with RNs: Qualitative Evidence
Mary-Anne Andrusyszyn, RN, BScN, MScN, EdD1, Carroll Iwasiw, RN, BN, MScN, EdD2, Barbara Sinclair, RN, BScN, MScN1, Dolly Goldenberg, RN, MA, MScN, PhD1, Cathy Mawdsley, RN, BScN, MScN3, Cathy Parsons, RN, BScN4, Charlene Beynon, RN, BScN, MScN5, Mickey Kerr, PhD6, Judy McKale-Waring, RN, BScN, MScN7, Kristen Lethbridge, BScN, RN, MScN1, Richard Booth, RN, BScN1, Yolanda B. Babenko-Mould, RN1, and Andrew Thomas Reyes, RN, MScN6. (1) Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Nursing, The University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada, (2) School of Nursing, The University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada, (3) Critical Care, London Health Sciences Centre, London, ON, Canada, (4) St. Joseph's Health Care London, London, ON, Canada, (5) Professional Health Research and Education Department, Midddleex-London Health Unit, London, ON, Canada, (6) School of Nursing, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada, (7) Nursing Division, Fanshawe College, London, ON, Canada
Learning Objective #1: Gain insights into BScN students’ views about formal mentoring relationships with RNs
Learning Objective #2: Appreciate the processes and outcomes of mentoring relationships for students

    Mentoring processes have been described widely in the literature, in many professions. Partnerships between experienced nurses and students have also been reported.Dorsey and Baker’s (2004) literature review on mentoring and retention of undergraduate nursing students “yielded over 90 citations, 51 of which were published between 1991 and 2003” (p. 261). Of these, only 16 were research studies, conducted mostly in the UK, about mentoring nursing students during clinical practice. To extend the evidence base about mentorship (i.e., a relationship without formal evaluation of the novice) in nursing education, a three year study of RN-BScN mentoring relationships was undertaken. The purpose was to determine the nature, processes, and outcomes of these relationships, for both mentees and mentors.
     In September 2006, 108 RN mentors and 103 first-year BScN mentees were randomly assigned to control and intervention groups, and the intervention group randomly assigned to mentoring dyads. Each pair has engaged in a mentoring relationship, determining the frequency of meetings and nature of discussions. Baseline data were collected about participants’ demographics, expectations about empowerment (Kanter, 1977, 1993) and perspective transformation  (Meizerow,  1990, 1991) in mentoring relationships, and the mentor’s roles (Darling, 1984).
     In Spring, 2007, student participants (mentees) will be interviewed individually and in focus groups to determine the nature, processes, rewards, challenges, and outcomes experienced during the first year of the mentoring relationship. As well, they will be asked about ways in which being mentored has shaped their perspectives of the profession and their ongoing commitment to program completion.
     We will describe interview findings. Results may contribute to nurse educators’ understanding of the potential value of formal mentoring relationships between RNs and nursing students, and provide evidence for decisions about the establishment of such relationships.

* Funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Conference of Canada