Monday, November 5, 2007

This presentation is part of : Leading Change in Nursing
A Call to Action: Engaging Chapter Leaders using the Chapter Action Plan
Laurie Kennedy-Malone, PhD, APRN, BC, School of Nursing, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC, USA
Learning Objective #1: Implement the Sigma Theta Tau Chapter Action Plan to guide chapter leadership strategic directions.
Learning Objective #2: Streamline the transfer of chapter leadership activities and responsibilities during chapter transitions of officers and task force chairs.

The purpose of this presentation is to share one chapter’s experience of implementing the Sigma Theta Tau Chapter Action Form for a year during transition of leadership under the new governance and leadership structure for Chapters of Sigma Theta Tau International.  As one of the chapters of Sigma Theta Tau International approached its 30th anniversary, the incoming president approached the opportunity for leadership to actively engage the chapter leaders in increasing the overall productivity of the chapter to include: member participation, recruitment of new nurse leaders, philanthropy, global engagement, and the cultivation of new leaders to guide the chapter forward.  By implementing the Sigma Theta Tau Chapter Action Form, the president was able to not only show continued progress toward attainting goals to the chapter officers, but to additional stakeholders such as potential members, the dean of the school of nursing, and future leaders of the chapter.  The action form became a fluid document, changing to reflect the goals attainted and the progress towards achieving identified chapter activities.  By continuously utilizing the Chapter Action Form, the president was able to provide continued direction to the new leaders transitioning into office.