Sunday, November 4, 2007

This presentation is part of : De-Distancing Education: Videoconferencing as a Medium in RN to BS Education
The Response to New Ways of Being Connected
Marie DiPasquale, PhD, RN, Division of Nursing, Villa Julie College, Stevenson, MD, USA

A nurturing, supportive environment of “connectedness” is a priority value in the RN to BS program at Villa Julie College. As the program grows and we expand to using distance learning technology to connect multiple sites, we seem to be experiencing something that nurses in many specialty areas have been grappling with for years- how to be “high tech” yet remain “high touch”. High touch for us as faculty means being there- being accessible, and being supportive of our students as well as our colleagues. We will explore how this feels differently as we move from the traditional seminar classroom setting to the use of multiple applications of technology, such as interactive video at multiple sites. This program will also explore the  differences in how students respond to this use of various media versus how faculty respond.