Sunday, November 4, 2007

This presentation is part of : De-Distancing Education: Videoconferencing as a Medium in RN to BS Education
The Unique Role of the Preceptor in Distance Education
Noni L. Bodkin, PhD, RN, Nursing Division, Villa Julie College, Stevenson, MD, USA

The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the role of the Preceptor in an approach to Distance Education which utilizes video conferencing technology.  This technology has been shown to be a novel and effective means to deliver essential course content to nurses separated by distance but joined in a desire to pursue a baccalaureate degree in nursing.  In distance education, teleconferencing facilitates the presentation of course content and sharing of educational methods of instruction (lecture, individual and panel presentations, DVD presentation, and Internet linking) to more than one group of students, all focusing on the same course objectives, at the same time.  

 The lead Instructor at the main site directs the class agenda, is generally the primary presenter for the course material, and facilitates collegial discussion.   A faculty Preceptor is present at each of the distance sites in order to provide face-to-face contact for the students, technical support for the video-conferencing, individual student support for questions, and clarification of course materials.  This assures that at the geographically-separated but video-linked sites, the students have equal opportunity to ask questions, receive appropriate clarification, and contribute to the class discussion and activities.   We will discuss the role and responsibilities of the Preceptor in collaboration with the lead Instructor and support this role as a key element in the success of distance education.