Poster Presentation

Monday, November 5, 2007
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Monday, November 5, 2007
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
This presentation is part of : Rising Stars Posters
Mentoring Beyond the First Year: Predictors of Mentoring Benefits for Pediatric Staff Nurse Proteges
Louise D. Jakubik, DNSc, CRNP, APRN-BC, Nurse Builders, Nurse Builders, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Learning Objective #1: (1.) Identify the predictors of mentoring benefits among pediatric staff nurse protégés identified in the current study.
Learning Objective #2: (2.) Compare and contrast the dyad and triad views of mentoring with specific application to nursing practice and research among pediatric staff nurse protégés.

This descriptive correlational study of 214 pediatric staff nurse protégés explored mentoring benefits among experienced pediatric staff nurse protégés through application of a business mentoring model, the Mutual Benefits Model (Zey, 1991), to nursing.  The researcher’s application of Zey’s model maintained that three characteristics of the mentoring relationship (mentoring quality, mentoring quantity, and mentoring type) would contribute to four specific protégé mentoring benefits (knowledge, personal growth, protection, and career advancement) which were summed to achieve a total mentoring benefits score for the protégé using the Jakubik Mentoring Benefits Questionnaire (Jakubik MBQ).  The hypothesis that the linear combination of quantity, quality and type of mentoring relationship would predict mentoring benefits better than any one factor alone was rejected.  The hypothesis was tested by stepwise multiple regression analysis which revealed an overall R = .55 with quality of mentoring as the only predictor variable which entered the MR equation (p < .001).  Both quantity and type of mentoring, however, were also positively correlated to mentoring benefits and reached significance (p <.001) but were excluded from the MR equation due to multicollinearity. Additional analyses of demographic variables failed to yield any significant correlations with mentoring benefits.  Lastly, multiple regression analyses of the sample subset of nurses who were mentored a year or more, yielded similar findings to the overall study, reinforcing the finding that among the predictor variables tested mentoring quality is the single best predictor of mentoring benefits.  The major implication of this study is that nursing leaders and organizations can make lasting impacts through high quality mentoring relationships even when they are time and resource limited.  This study and its pilot study provided a valid and reliable nursing research instrument, the Jakubik MBQ, for use in future research to further explore the benefits of mentoring among pediatric staff nurse protégés.