Monday, November 5, 2007: 1:45 PM-3:00 PM
SPECIAL SESSION: Transforming Health Professional Education with Health Information Technology (HIT)
Learning Objective #1: Describe an academic-business partnership to promote HIT in the curriculum.
Learning Objective #2: Discuss the integration of health information technologies across health professional schools.
Beginning in 2001, the University of Kansas(KU) School of Nursing in partnership with Cerner Corporation adapted a live-production clinical information system and embedded it in the nursing curriculum as a teaching platform. The system is supported by a virtual health care delivery system and is used with virtual case studies and simulated clinical experiences (e.g. standardized patients, human patient simulators). The electronic health record re-designed to follow education workflow and used throughout the curriculum teaches students the competencies required to practice in an automated healthcare system. Leveraging on the successful implementation of this project in the School of Nursing, the system was migrated to the School of Medicine in 2004 and shortly after to the School of Allied Health. Now, all Health Professional students at KU Medical Center are educated in an electronic medium that develops healthcare informatics competencies resulting in IT-savvy health professionals, improved care and reduced risks.
Symposium Organizer:Helen R. Connors, PhD, RN, DrPS, (hon), FAAN
Symposium Presenter:Helen R. Connors, PhD, RN, DrPS, (hon), FAAN