Sunday, November 4, 2007: 10:30 AM-11:45 AM
CHAPTER LEADER SESSION: Chapter Fundraising and Philanthropy
Learning Objective #1: To examine the history and role of philanthropy and the International Foundation for Nursing in support of Sigma Theta Tau International.
Learning Objective #2: To share and discuss successful chapter fundraising stories.
Philanthropy builds and sustains individual chapters and Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) as an organization because commitment of time, talent, and treasure helps ensure the viability of the organization. All chapters can participate in philanthropic giving, no matter the size of the chapter, and such giving can be designed to fit the community’s needs and the member's capability. This presentation will describe the philanthropic programs developed by STTI and individual chapters, and the discussion will focus on methods for developing philanthropic programs at the individual chapter level.
Symposium Organizer:Erin Strine
Symposium Presenters:Gretchen L. Kelly, PhD, MA, RN
Patrice Kenneally Nicholas, RN, DNSc, MPH, ANP
Susan Morrison