Tuesday, November 6, 2007: 1:00 PM-2:15 PM
SPECIAL SESSION: Integration of Evidence-Based Practice into a Graduate Nursing Administration Program: Nursing Knowledge International Courses and Competency-Based Portfolio
Learning Objective #1: Describe integration of Sigma Theta Taus' Nursing Knowledge International Nurse Manager Certificate Program into the curriculum of a Master's in Nursing Administration Program.
Learning Objective #2: Discuss Portfolio development in a graduate Nursing Administration Program based on AONE competencies and evidence based practice.
This presentation will describe the use of Evidence Based Practice in Curriculum development and integration in a graduate Nursing Administration Program. The two areas of primary focus will be a Portfolio that is based on American Organization of Nurse Executive (AONE) Competencies with evidence based documentation required and also the integration of Sigma Theta Taus' (STT) Nursing Knowledge International (NKI) Nurse Manager Certificate Program. Both of these curriculuar strategies have increased the Evidence Based emphasis on overall program outcomes.
Symposium Organizer:Debra J. Drake, MS, RN, CCE, PN
Symposium Presenter:Debra J. Drake, MS, RN, CCE, PN