Tuesday, November 6, 2007: 2:30 PM-3:45 PM
Targeting Success: Creative Strategies for Retaining Nursing Students
Learning Objective #1: discuss challenges involved in recruiting and retaining quality nursing students.
Learning Objective #2: identify three strategies for improving retention of all students admitted to a nursing program.
In this era of acute nursing shortage, schools of nursing are being challenged to produce more graduates. The most obvious solution has been to increase enrollments, and this has happened across the country. Perhaps less obvious, but equally important, is the retention of those students who are admitted. The University of North Florida has answered the challenge by not only increasing enrollments, but by creating and implementing a cadre of strategies designed to admit and retain high quality nursing students without decreasing the rigor of the nursing program. This symposium will describe strategies aimed at: identifying and admitting students fully capable of succeeding in a rigorous program of study; formal orientation of those admitted to all aspects of the curriculum; and a formal program designed to improve study skills and critical thinking.
Symposium Organizer:Kathaleen C. Bloom, PhD, CNM
Symposium Presenters:Lillia Loriz, PhD, GNP-C
Lucy B. Trice, PhD, ARNP, BC
Kathaleen C. Bloom, PhD, CNM
 Access and Entry: Making Admission Decisions
Lucy B. Trice, PhD, ARNP, BC
 Adaptathon: Getting Them Off to a Good Start
Kathaleen C. Bloom, PhD, CNM
 SUCCEED: Helping Those Who Struggle
Lillia Loriz, PhD, GNP-C