Tuesday, November 6, 2007: 9:45 AM-11:00 AM
Transition to Self-Management of a Chronic Disorder in Adolescents
Learning Objective #1: Describe the transition experiences of adolescents with a chronic illnesses and their parents.
Learning Objective #2: Describe obstacles and facilitators of transition from pediatric to adult services when patients have chronic illnesses requiring life-long care.
This session will present the various perspecives on transition of care from pediatric to adult services for chronic illness. The state of the science on this topic and the state of contemporary practices will be summarized and discussed. The importance of self-management including self-surveillance will be explored. Obstacles to smooth transition will be explored. The perspectives on transition include that of the adolescent, young adult, parent and health care provider. Research findings will be presented from the study of families with children with genetic cancer syndromes, Marfan syndrome and congenital heart defects
Symposium Organizer:Ellen Giarellli, EdD, RN, CRNP
Symposium Presenters:Rita A. Mack, MSN
Desiree Fleck, MSN, CRNP, CCRN
Amy Verstappen, MA
Barbara A. Bernhardt, MS
 Being and Making "FIT": Transition to self-managment of a chronic genetic disorder
E. Giarelli, RN, EdD, CS, CRNP, Barbara A. Bernhardt, MS
 Falling Between the Cracks: The Patient Perspective on Transition in Congenital Heart Disease
Amy Verstappen, MA
 Health Care Transition in Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease
Desiree Fleck, MSN, CRNP, CCRN
 Interviewing Adolescents: Lessons from the Field
Rita A. Mack, RN, MSN