Saturday, November 3, 2007: 2:45 PM-4:00 PM
Vision to Action: The Design and Implementation of Theory-Based Interventions
Learning Objective #1: The learner will be able to describe the process involved in the development and conceptualization of theory-based interventions.
Learning Objective #2: The learner will be able to outline the primary threats to internal validity and strategies to limit relevant threats in theory-based interventions.
This symposium presents programmatic efforts specifying the development and implementation of theory-based interventions. The presentations are designed to address knowledge development through the use of descriptive research to develop intervention theory, explication of theoretical components of interventions, and the link between theory-based intervention and methodology. The symposium is intended to foster dialog specific to theory-based intervention design and implementation, and to outline innovative approaches to knowledge development. There is a substantial body of descriptive literature from nursing research on the experience of patients related to health promotion. However, there is little to guide investigators in moving from descriptive studies to generating and testing interventions focusing on relevant psychological, functional, and behavioral outcomes. This symposium will describe the process of building from descriptive research to the development of theory-based intervention. The presentation will explicate, through examples from four studies, the steps involved in moving from a theoretical framework to an intervention framework. Divergent theoretical models and approaches may be integrated to target diverse groups and to foster health outcomes. This symposium will present a multi-level, theory-based approach to community-based intervention designed to facilitate health outcomes at the individual- and community-levels. The presentation will explicate issues in intervention design, including conceptualization of the problem, and development of culturally relevant intervention strategies, describe methods for operationalizing health outcomes as incorporating the individual in interaction with the environment, and propose mechanisms by which access to social and contextual resources may influence health outcomes. The development and evaluation of intervention programs requires the acknowledgement of relevant methodological issues. The symposium will outline the role of theory in evaluating the effectiveness of interventions. The presentation includes examples from ongoing research to specify evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions in achieving intended outcomes through implementation of intervention activities, and empirical testing of the processes underlying intervention effects.
Symposium Organizer:Julie Derenowski Fleury, PhD, FAAN
Symposium Presenters:Nelma B. Crawford Shearer, PhD
Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, PhD, RN, CPNP, FAAN
Julie Derenowski Fleury, PhD, FAAN
 The Theory-Based Journey Guiding the Development of the Health Empowerment Intervention
Nelma B. Crawford Shearer, PhD
 A Multi-Level Perspective to the Design of Theory-based Intervention
Julie Derenowski Fleury, PhD, FAAN
 Key Strategies for Designing and Minimizing Threats to Internal Validity
Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, PhD, RN, CPNP, FAAN