Sunday, November 4, 2007: 8:15 AM-9:30 AM
Strategies for Workplace Excellence
 The Competency of an Orthopaedic Nurse
Piyatida Yousuk, RN, MSN, Areewan Oumtanee, RN, PhD
 Evidence-Based Practice & Nursing Research in the Community Hospital: Building An Infrastructure for Excellence
Kathleen M. White, PhD, RN, CNAA, CMAC, Kathleen Hartman Sabatier, MS, RN, Linda C. Pugh, PhD, RNC, FAAN, Joan Insalaco Warren, PhD, RN, BC, Sheree Seben, MSN, RN
 Incorporating Childrens' Focus Group Data into Service Excellence Principles and Nurses' Evaluations
Carolyn Johnson, RN, MN, CNAA, Melissa Faciane, RN, BSN, ACNL, CPN, Patricia Kirkland, BS, CCLS, CHES