The Journey to Accountability

Sunday, November 1, 2009: 11:20 AM

Sharon M. Weinstein, MS, CRNI, FAAN
Core Consulting Group, Global Education Development Institute and the University of Illinois, Hawthorn Woods, IL

The culture of indifference leads to a lack of commitment on the part of employees.  Nurses are held accountable for patient outcomes.   While there are standards of care, and practice and performance in place to monitor both individual and team outcomes, there is limited emphasis on the process needed to build the accountable organization. In the book, The Accountable Organization, the author describes the cultural and performance characteristics at five different levels:   level 1 entitlement, level 2 individual accountability, level 3 work unit accountability, level 4 cross functional accountability and level 5 organizational accountability.  The presenter will use examples to illustrate how each of these factors impacts outcomes and helps to transform the Journey.