PLEN III Three Cups of Tea: Promoting Peace, One School, One Child at a Time

Monday, November 2, 2009: 8:00 AM-9:15 AM
Description/Overview: Greg Mortenson raises awareness about the value of literacy and education, to bring about global peace and prosperity. His 15 years of experience working in remote, rugged mountain regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan has made him an expert in a region that few people know about - which is now front and center on the global arena of the war on terror. Through his unique perspective of the region’s culture, history, geo-politics and development aspects, Mortenson shares insightful commentary and stunning photography about his extraordinary journey of a decade long effort to promote girl’s education.
Learner Objective #1: Learn about Greg Mortenson's work to promote peace through education in remote regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Learner Objective #2: discuss various aspects of promoting peach through education in other countries.
Greg Mortenson, BS, Central Asia Institute, Central Asia Institute, Bozeman, MT
Machelle Fisher, Educational Resources, Sigma Theta Tau International, Indianapolis, IN