Implementing the Use of Mobile Technology and Evidence-based Practice in the Undergraduate Nursing Education Program

Monday, 18 November 2013: 10:00 AM

Kathleen Williamson, PhD, RN
School of Nursing, Widener University, Chester, PA

Learning Objective 1: Discuss the benefits of integrating technology in nursing education

Learning Objective 2: Discuss how mobile devices helped students become efficient in gathering information and allow access to information at all times.

Today, the amount of information that is available to nurses is overwhelming. Providing a venue for student nurses to access information in one place in the classroom, simulation, and clinical settings is essential. It is essential to determine that the technology use with access to clinical reference software improves student nurse’s decision-making abilities, intent to use, confidence, patient care, and efficiency and does not add distracters or decrease the value of education or care. The purpose of this study was to assess if the use of mobile devices with clinical reference software affects student information seeking behavior in the clinical, simulation and classroom setting and if it is an effective use of resources. This mixed methods study used a pre-survey and post-survey design to collect data on the intent to use, usefulness and ease of use. The target population was a convenience sample of undergraduate nursing students.  Significant correlations where found between the student’s perception on the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use with mobile technology.  The qualitative data provided insight into the student perceptions of how they used mobile devices and their use in nursing school. The students’ perception on intent to use, usefulness and ease of use is supported by the students perception that mobile technology would enhance the students’ effectiveness in learning and delivery patient care in the classroom and clinical setting.  The students’ perception is that mobile devices are easy to use, thus increasing the usefulness in obtaining and utilizing information to problem solve patient situations in the classroom and clinical setting.  The use of mobile technology with clinical reference software is a valuable and useful tool for nursing students to locate the necessary information to make informed decisions on patient care in the classroom, clinical and simulation settings.