A Balancing Act: The International Learner Program™ at The Hospital for Sick Children

Saturday, 16 November 2013: 3:55 PM

Lara Pietrolungo, BScN, MN
SickKids International, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada

Learning Objective 1: The learner will gain insight into how premier healthcare providers, such as SickKids, are developing trailblazing strategies to further global health agendas.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will gain an understanding of the challenges of building curriculum personalized to the individual global learner.

The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) is an academic health sciences centre that is dedicated to the education of health-care professionals, staff and the global community. In October 2009, SickKids International launched an innovative program, the International Learner Program (ILP), to accommodate the learning requests of international healthcare professionals to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and expertise with our global partners. Since the launch of the program, SickKids has confirmed a total of 82 International Learners from 19 different countries. This presentation will include an overview of the International Learner Program with an emphasis on the development, implementation, evaluation and widening scope of the program. The presentation will highlight the unique nature of the initiative, delving into the benefits of providing clients with customized learning paediatric experiences at SickKids. The ILP distinguishes itself from similar programs across North America by offering an additional opportunity to learn hands-on skills under the mentorship of SickKids experts. Through this program, international learners develop their own learning objectives and are provided with formative and summative evaluations. Furthermore, the international learners are supported by knowledge translation coaching which allows them to apply their enhanced knowledge and skills to their home settings. To further encourage integration of new learning, the ILP has recently expanded its scope to allow SickKids experts to travel to international institutions and provide direct coaching in the learners’ local environments.