Outcomes From A Formal Evidence-Based Practice Program

Sunday, 17 November 2013: 2:45 PM

Susan L. Storey, PhD(c), RN, AOCNS1
Kathy E Hubner, Kathy, MSN, RN, ACNS-BC, ANVP, CNRN2
Mary H Fischer, MSN, RN, CCRN, CHFN3
Diana L Jones, MSN, RN, ACNS-BC4
Anita L Roesener, MSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM3
(1)Clinical Nurse Specialist, St. Vincent Hospital, Indianapolis, IN
(2)St. Vincent Hospital, Indianapolis, IN
(3)St Vincent Hospital, Indianapolis, IN
(4)St. Vincent Hospital, indianapolis, IN

Learning Objective 1: 1.Describe the implementation of a formal evidence-based practice program.

Learning Objective 2: 2.Describe tangible outcomes and transformation of organizational culture as a result of an evidence-based program.

Barriers to becoming involved in evidence-based practice (EBP), such as lack of time, knowledge and computer skills have been identified by nurses. A formal two phase program has been implemented to address these barriers with the ultimate goal of increasing knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits towards EBP. The program has created an infrastructure for staff nurses to integrate EBP into practice and/or drive original nursing research. The internship program has facilitated changing the culture and impacting patient outcomes thereby demonstrating its value to the organization.

Outcomes from the EBP program include:


  • Improved patient outcomes
  • Integration of EBP into practice, protocols, policies and order sets
  • Development of the Nursing Research Council which has supported nurse initiated research projects
  • Increased library utilization
  • Bedside nurses disseminating best practice through posters, presentations at conferences and publication

Educating and engaging nurses in the EBP process leads to increased autonomy and satisfaction, energizing the environment in which they work. This program provides an opportunity for nurses to enhance their confidence in challenging the established traditions and move towards best practices. EBP elevates nursing to a higher level which ultimately leads to optimal patient outcomes.