Successful Management of Diabetic Foot Deep Ulceration Achieving Limbs Salvage-A Case Report

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Pao-kuei Lee, MSc
Nursery Department,, ChangHua Christian hospital, Changhua County 500, Taiwan (R.O.C.), Taiwan

Learning Objective 1: Prevention of the diabetes foot ulceration and complete wound care has become the important topic of diabetes mellitus care

Learning Objective 2: How to treatment and care process with successful result, which was conducted by multidisciplinary approach achieving limbs salvage without amputation.


Diabetes foot ulceration (DFU) is a common complication in diabetes mellitus patients. Indeed, the development of foot ulceration composes the majority of hospital admissions, mobility and mortality. We provide our experience on a diabetic foot deep ulceration treatment and care process with successful result, which was conducted by multidisciplinary approach achieving limbs salvage without amputation.

Case Report

A 59-year-old man was a heavy smoker. His past medical history had type II diabetic mellitus, hypertension, old CVA with left hemi paresis and PAOD of left lower leg after PTA for 2 month. He had a chronic ulceration wound at left middle dorsal foot for three months. The wound size was about 55X50 mm deep to bone and tendon, it presented with slough coating and yellowish discharge. He received multidisciplinary treatment included advanced dressing, autolysis debridement and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the wound healing after 10 months.


Approximately 20% of patients with diabetes will develop foot ulceration in their life time. DFU represents a major problem that can significantly impair the patient's quality of life, require prolonged hospitalization, and may involve infection, gangrene, and amputation. The cost of DFU is also significant. The research pointed out that the early diagnosis and the treatment may prevent 85% diabetic foot amputation; Attentive and conscientious foot care and education may reduce 50% amputation risk. Prevention of the DFU and complete wound care has become the important topic of diabetes mellitus care.