Journal (Recycling) Project: Promoting the Journey to Evidence Based Practice & Research

Monday, 18 November 2013: 2:05 PM

Ruth M. Kleinpell, RN, PhD, FAAN, FAANP
Rush University Medical Center and Rush University College of Nursing, Chicago, IL

Learning Objective 1: Review strategies for promoting the use of evidence based practice and research in the clinical setting

Learning Objective 2: Describe the use of a journal recycling project to promote access to evidence based practice and research resources

Overview: The use of evidence based practice (EBP) and research is being advocated to ensure best practice care for patients.  However, implementing EBP and research in the clinical setting can be challenging. 

Purpose: The purpose of this session is to review strategies for promoting the use of EBP and research in clinical nursing practice including the results of a journal recycling project.  

Methods: The “Journey” Project”  or JOURNal rEcYcling Project was initiated in 2011 at a midwestern university academic medical center to enable clinical nurses to have access to current clinical and research journals.  Faculty and clinicians recycle professional journals on a monthly basis for distribution of to the clinical units.  The Center for Clinical Research & Scholarship at the University took responsibility for collecting and redistributing the journals.  Each journal is  labeled "For your reading pleasure, compliments of the Center for Clinical Research & Scholarship."  Other strategies for disseminating EBP and research were implemented including clinical grand rounds, journal clubs, and library search review sessions.

Results: As of January 2013, over 2000 journals have been distributed to the clinical units. Formal evaluation gathered from surveys from over 200 clinical staff indicate that access to the journals has increased their confidence in reading research, increased their knowledge of clinical research, and impacted their attitudes toward using EBP and research in clinical practice.  The additional strategies to promote EBP and research have been successful in increasing the number of EBP and research projects, poster and oral presentations at conferences and publication submissions.

Conclusions: A number of strategies can be used to increase EBP and research in the clinical setting.  A journal recycling project was found to be successful in promoting clinical nursing access, knowledge and use of EBP and research.    This session will review key considerations for increasing access to EBP and research and use in the clinical setting.