Developing global nursing leaders online: Using the Wiki to unite nursing students worldwide

Sunday, 17 November 2013: 2:45 PM

Sharon E. Metcalfe, EdD, RN
Nursing, Western Carolina University, Candler, NC

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to learn how to develop nursing students to become future global nurse leaders through online technology.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to learn how to utilize quantitative questions and content analyses to demonstrate students' development of international nursing knowledge.


This presentation demonstrates the findings of an international pilot project that utilized Web 2.0 Wiki technology to promote the development of future global nursing leaders with nursing students located at three schools of nursing in the United States, Finland and Scotland. The purpose of this project was to provide an authentic international nursing experience for developing leadership through exploration and contrasting nursing and global health care issues.


The pilot project consisted of three international schools of nursing programs which shared Wiki online web sites for discussion of mutual nursing issues and leadership development. A total of 22 students were enrolled in the program with a mix of students from both undergraduate and post-graduate programs. A mixed method research design was used to assess the global leadership development of the students using quantitative surveys and collection of testimonials for qualitative content analysis.


The quantitative survey results demonstrated high levels of global leadership development through the nursing students’ satisfaction with having the ability to discuss international health care issues with peers across the world. Four key themes of broadening leadership development emerged from the qualitative data: Learning together to be leaders, Widening horizons, Developing Autonomy, and Learning beyond boundaries.


Utilizing online Wiki Web 2.0 technology has the ability to break down geographic barriers and allow nursing educators to collaborate to potentiate the development of future nursing leaders with today’s nursing students. This pilot study demonstrated that students located around the world were able to share in the development of beginning global nursing leaders through advanced technology.