Concept Analysis: Nurse-Physician Collaboration

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Michael E Conti, CRNA, MSN
College of Nursing and Health Professions, Nurse Anesthesia Program, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be to identify the multidimensional components related to nurse-physician collaboration.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will apply Gitell's Theory of Relational Coordination to nurse-physician collaboration.

Concept Analysis: Nurse-Physician Collaboration

Michael E. Conti, CRNA, MSN


This concept analysis explored the multidimensional aspects of collaboration, as it related to nurses and physicians and how positive and negative collaborative relationships impacted patient safety.  .  The significance of collaboration was threefold, as it directly affects physicians, nurses and patients. Gitell’s Theory of Relational Coordination was used to illustrate the results of positive and negative collaborative relationships. Assumptions related to nurse-physician collaboration were positive and negative.  Collaboration was defined operationally after the review of the literature as a positive nurse-physician relationship whose primary focus is to provide patient care. Collaborative characteristics included: effective communication; appropriate conflict resolutions strategies; effective negotiation and effective compromise.  The consequences of collaboration affected the organizational structure in addition to the provider and the patient.  Collaboration was empirically tested with the Jefferson Scale if Nurse-Physician Collaboration. The concept of collaboration was one that contained multiple dimensions and was identified as dynamic.  Due to the complexities of human relationships, in particular physicians and nurses, collaboration impacted both personal and professional relationships.