Survivor Moms: The Effects of Sexual Abuse on Women During Their Childbearing Years

Monday, 18 November 2013: 10:00 AM

Alison L. Tinker, BComm, BA
Loretto Heights School of Nursing, Regis University, Denver, CO

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to describe the effects of sexual abuse and how it can affect a woman's experience during pregnancy and childbirth.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to summarize the appropriate techniques/approaches in providing care to sexual abuse survivors.

The experience of pregnancy and childbirth can be challenging for any woman, but can be especially difficult for patients who have experienced sexual abuse. Increased discomforts with common pregnancy complaints and post-traumatic stress reactions are common during the entire childbirth year. Survivors of sexual abuse report more discomfort with their healthcare providers and adverse reactions to routine examination procedures for themselves and their baby. The purpose of this discussion is to assist healthcare providers in addressing the additional needs and specific concerns that abuse survivors might have during their childbearing year. By acknowledging the effects of abuse on the childbearing woman, strategies can be developed that can help improve the experience of pregnancy, birth and mothering for this population.