Playing it Forward: A partnership model for leadership development in nursing

Monday, 18 November 2013

Roberta P. Pawlak, PhD, RN
School of Nursing, Edgewood College, Madison, WI

Learning Objective 1: Articulate a model for leadership development in nursing.

Learning Objective 2: Identify ways to collaborate in partnership with regional and global communities in developing leaders through a nursing education program.

Mentorship into leadership roles, both formal and informal, is not accomplished in a vacuum.  The Council on Graduate Education for Administration in Nursing (CGEAN) recognizes the importance of Master’s program in Nursing Administration as the critical access to formal preparation for nurse leaders.  The American Association of Colleges in Nursing (AACN) recognizes the Nurse Leader (or Administrator) as an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) in indirect care.  These quests are not doable solely within the framework of the classroom.  The purpose of this presentation is to articulate a model of sustainability for developing the graduate nurse leader in, through, and beyond a Nursing Administration graduate program at a small College in the Midwest.  Components of the model include a dynamic of community partnerships comprised of four major components:  Advisory Board representation and guidance; Practicum Mentorships both state-side and abroad; application of a community-site Program Evaluation project to reinforce research and quality improvement skills; and collaboration with program graduates in leadership positions.  Each informs the curriculum and practice.  Nurses who are hiring nurse leaders, working in healthcare systems, and considering graduate school will be served by this presentation.  Application of the model regionally and in Zambia, Africa will be shared.