Learning Objective 1: compare and contrast the implementation of traditional vs. non-traditional training methodologies.
Learning Objective 2: discuss the benefits of utilizing non-traditional learning methodologies.
This lead to investigation on non-traditional training options and the use of audio tour technology was selected as the training platform for this project. The use of this technology has proven to be beneficial by enhancing time efficiency, cost effectiveness, and staff satisfaction. Through implementation of the audio tour, the Department of Professional Development uncovered and estimated timesavings of 800 educator hours with an estimated soft cost savings of $41,000. In addition to time and cost savings, a post-training survey revealed staff satisfaction with the training methodology to be extremely positive with 96.9% of staff reporting the audio tour to be an effective means of providing an overview of the unit layout and 92.2% reporting enjoyment in using the audio tour as a learning platform.
See more of: Oral Paper & Poster: Evidence-Based Practice Sessions