Family health team knowledge concerning the health needs of people with tuberculosis

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Emiko Yoshikawa Egry, PhD, MNSc, RN, FAAN
Nursing Collective Health Department of School of Nursing, São Paulo University, São Paulo, Brazil
Paula Hino, PhD, MNSc, RN, FAAN
Department of Collective Health, School of Nursing, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Renata Ferreira Takahashi, PhD
Collective Health Nursing Departament, University of São Paulo/ School of Nursing, São Paulo, Brazil
Maria Rita Bertolozzi, RN, MPH, PhD
Nursing Collective Health Department, Sao Paulo University, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to know conceptions on tuberculosis and the care provided to people with tuberculosis, according to health professionals’ perspective.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to discuss approaches that nurses have used to respond to the health needs of tuberculosis patients.

It is believed that treatment adherence occurs when users perceive that health professionals value and satisfy their needs. Thus, knowledge on tuberculosis (Tb) patients’ health needs will allow the health team to reorient its practices, with a view to better care delivery.The purposes of the study were to get to know conceptions on tuberculosis and health needs and to describe the care provided to people with tuberculosis, according to health professionals’ perspective. Qualitative study developed at family health units in a district of São Paulo city, Brazil. The data were collected through open interviews in January 2010 and submitted to discourse analysis, resulting in three categories: meanings attributed to tuberculosis and health needs and care characteristics. The conceptions regarding the disease are supported by the multicausal theory of the health-disease process. The care is characterized by interventions that go beyond the biological dimension. The precarious living conditions define the needs of most people with tuberculosis, and can be more important to the ill than the very diagnosis of the disease, influencing treatment adherence, and should gain relevance in care. It is highlighted that treatment success involves issues that go beyond regular medication intake, such as food, housing conditions, employment, information and health service access, as well as the establishment of bonding with the health team. The study evidenced that it is fundamental to share professional experiences, whose actors, in daily reality, monitor clients with a view to the adoption of healthy practices, besides demonstrating health professionals’ possibilities when choosing to deliver care to Tb patients, focusing on health needs. This practice demands the construction of a new work process among professionals and Tb patients, with a view to the establishment of active mutual listening, co-accountability between team and users and a relationship of dialogue to capture Tb patients’ true needs.