Perspectives on Global Leadership

Monday, 18 November 2013: 10:20 AM

Debra J. Anderson, RN, BA, GDNS (ed), MN, PhD
School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Ellen B. Buckner, DSN, RN, CNE
College of Nursing, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
Nelly Garzon, BSN, MSN
School of Nursing, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, D.C., Colombia
Claudia K. Y. Lai, RN, PhD
School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
Thóra B. Hafsteinsdóttir, RN, PhD
Department of Nursing Science, Clinical Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Utrecht University and University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Rozina Roshan, RN, BScN
School of Nursing, Aga Khan University, Karachi Sindh, Pakistan

Learning Objective 1: identify themes of leadership in nursing from a global perspective.

Learning Objective 2: discuss at least 3 strategies relevant to own country/region in fostering leadership development.

This panel presentation by six global leaders explores common and emerging themes of leadership development in nursing.  Conversations on leadership were held by STTI nurse leaders from Australia, Colombia, Hong Kong, The Netherlands, Pakistan, and USA.  Joint conference calls were done and archived for later review. Themes represented all contexts of practice, education, research, and society. Commonalities and differences in leadership development were found across global regions. Key themes were:  1) Leadership is dynamic, ongoing, and supportive of improvements in both nursing practice and research, 2) Leadership moves people and ideas forward, 3) Leadership is needed to develop the profession of nursing, 4) Leaders grow with others giving time and space for shared decision-making, 5) Leadership is empowering and assists nurses to realize their influence in society, 6) Scholarly presentations by nurses to STTI Chapters,  local, regional, and international groups,  increases visibility and recognition of nursing, 7) Leadership cannot be done alone, it is a partnership and collaboration with others, 8) Leadership is important from the frontline point of care to the board room where policy is made, 9) Leadership challenges include workplace pressures, time constraints, and political issues, 10) Leadership strategies include connecting with others, role modeling and advocacy.  Presenters will identify examples that illustrate leadership in action and engage the audience in identifying leadership strategies relevant to their own countries. The panel will present recommendations for developing leadership globally across all contexts of nursing.