Walk Hand-in-Hand: cancer survivors and family members

Monday, 18 November 2013: 1:45 PM

Kar Yan Alice Wong, RN, PhD
School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Alice Yuen Loke, PhD
School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Yee-Hing Wong, PhD
School of Nursing,, The Hogn Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Cynthia Huie, RN
Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Sammei Tam, RN
North District Hospital, New Terrorites, Hong Kong


  1. To increase the participants’ awareness and acceptance of the diagnosis, and its related physical and psychological distress;
  2. To facilitate expression of feelings between caregivers and cancer survivors;
  3. To develop strategies to promote self-care (responsible selfishness: sleep and rest, nutrition/hydration, exercise);
  4. To explore new approaches to cope with overwhelming daily demands and stress;
  5. To nurture positive spirit in facing life challenge.  

Target group(s): Cancer patients and their family members, who are vulnerable to ‘compassionate fatigue’ and life uncertainty.

Duration: January 12 & May 11, 2013; two support group sessions 

Scope of the project:

It is anticipated that about 40-50 patients and family caregivers will take part in this specially designed program.

  1. Acknowledge the well-being of cancer survivors and family members (obj#1);
  2. Keep a journal of ‘Thoughts and feelings’ and ‘appreciation cards’ between family members for a new start (obj#2);
  3. Happy feet: movement with Music (obj#3);
  4. Skin care for self-image [CNS in Oncology and Wound Care] (obj#3);
  5. Symptoms control during treatment: East-meet-West therapy [RN with Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner licensure] (obj#3&4);
  6. Balanced diet [Registered Dietitian] (obj#3 & 4).
  7. Build up self confidence through simple magic (obj#5);


Hong Kong Alliance Church; Hong Kong Caring Magic Circus; and School of Nursing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 

Expected outcomes:

Family members and cancer survivors will not lose sight of individual and family well being throughout the cancer trajectory. The families will gain knowledge, coping, and confident in caring for patients with cancer. Family caregivers, together with their cancer patients will be empowered to resolve conflicts, facilitate expression of appreciation, and building resilience towards life adversity.

Future development/sustainability:

            The program will be offered to all churches under the auspice of Alliance Church.