Building Nursing Capacity across Borders

Monday, 18 November 2013: 10:40 AM

Shelby L Garner, PhD, RN, CNE
Llewellyn Prater, RN, PhD
Cheryl Riley, DNP, RN, NNP-BC
Lori A. Spies, MS, RN, NP-C, PhD Candidate
Louise Herrington School of Nursing, Baylor University, Dallas, TX

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to facilitate international nursing collaboration to increase nursing capacity globally.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to evaluate the collaborative relationship between two schools of nursing.

The Sigma Theta Tau International in the Arista 3 initiative identified the evidenced based practice delivery, policy and professional development as globally relevant to nursing and global health (STTI, 2012). The World Health Organization (2009) emphasized the need for nursing leaders to help countries expand the nursing workforce and sustainably increase their capacity to improve health outcomes.  Collaborative efforts between two schools of nursing were established to build nursing capacity across international borders through a series of faculty development workshops.   Nursing faculty from Texas, USA travelled to Bangaluru, India in 2012 and 2013 to provide faculty workshops on the requested topics of evidence based teaching, and learning strategies, and the utilization of valid online nursing resources.  Faculty from India shared current national trends in nursing and facilitated a cultural immersion experience for the visiting faculty.  Although immense diversity existed between the faculty and student populations from these universities, separated by approximately 10,000 miles, the schools shared a common faith based philosophy with a mission to transform the lives of their students while preparing them for professional practice, leadership and service as nurses.  This common mission yielded an atmosphere of collegiality between the faculty, who together, developed a five-year plan to continue education to develop nursing faculty, promote nursing student success in India and establish a collaborative research trajectory between the schools.   In addition, the visiting faculty dually served as leaders for a local chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International and made plans to provide support for the inception of an honor society for nursing students at the host school in India.