Building capacity for EBP

Sunday, 17 November 2013: 3:05 PM

Karin (CS) Minnie, PhD, RN, RM
School of Nursing Science, North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus), Potchefstroom, South Africa
Hester C. Klopper, PhD, MBA, RN, RM, FANSA
FUNDISA, University of the Western Cape and North-West University, Pretoria, South Africa
Christa Van der Walt, PhD, MEd, RN, RM
Independent Researcher, Pretoria, South Africa

Learning Objective 1: to explain the rationale for the establishment of the Best Practice Institute for Nursing and Health Care in Southern Africa (BPINHCSA)

Learning Objective 2: understand the brokering role of BPINCHSA to promote EBP and KT

Evidence -based practice is essential to reach optimal patient outcomes. EBP is not fully well integrated in South African health services and more capacitating is still needed. Researchers need to be able to search for, appraise and synthesise research evidence to identify best practice. These best practice must then be converted to user friendly formats such as best practice guidelines, patient information leaflets or policy briefs. Spesific skills are also needed to adapt excisting evidence products (BPG's exc) for spesific contexts.

The Best Practice Instititute for Health Care in Southern Africa (BPINHCSA) use the 'knowledge-to-action' model (Graham et al, 2009) to guide its activities. It was established as a partnership between four South African Universities to promote EBP through capacitating health professionals. The institute present a variety of EBP workshops and also function as knowledge broker between researchers and clinicians in health facilities. BPINCHSA can be considered a bench marking intervention that can contribute to improved quality of nursing care.