Unidos Saldremos Adelante, (Together We Will Succeed), A Hispanic Mentor Program

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Dinorah Fernandez, RN, BSN
Labor and Delivery Department, Doctors Medical Center, Modesto, CA

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to analyze several strategies within a mentor program to support academic success for pre nursing students at a university level.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will become aware of the need to increase diversity in the nursing profession.

BACKGROUND: Diversity in nursing is a noticeable challenge in the United States with the number of Hispanic nurses being disproportionate to the current and projected population.  It is imperative that we analyze, recognize, and develop solutions for the lack of diversity in nursing in order to reduce health disparities among this minority group. 

PURPOSE: The purpose of this project is to provide a mentor program that supports the academic challenges and assists with overcoming barriers faced by potential Hispanic nursing students.

METHODS:   A mentor program called Unidos Saldremos Adelante (USA), (Together We Will Succeed), offers a curriculum that guides a potential nursing student towards success.  Courses offered include academic requirements, cultural barriers, out lined strategies to become a successful student, how to communicate and network, financial support, and peer-to-peer mentoring.  Short one-hour presentations will be given over lunch period to Hispanic students interested in nursing. Students will be paired and mentored with current nursing students in a four-year baccalaureate program.

RESULTS:  Students are followed and data collected over a five-year period. Data will track application and retention rates and student/faculty evaluations. 

CONCLUSIONS:  The nursing profession can address the need to increase the amount of Hispanic Registered Nurses (RN) through career outreach, awareness, and support of potential nursing students who have shown an interest in becoming an RN.  A mentor program developed specifically for Hispanic nursing students would meet the needs of students by addressing barriers and tribulations of entering a nursing program while offering support, peer-to-peer mentoring, and academic guidance.  This program empowers faculty to offer leadership and counseling to potential future RN’s that may be discouraged and/or redirected to other careers.